“You’re a genius, Michael. That picture is really me, not the usual ones you see of me with my silly grin.” Jilly Cooper - Author.

“Thanks Michael. That’s Ronnie. For me that picture is Ronnie.” Sherry Daly - Ronnie Wood’s manager.

“Donald’s pictures are amazing and his story incredible.” Jon Boon - The Sun.

“The picture you took of Leonard (Cohen) is unforgettable. I have admired it since I first saw it. It captures his elegance so well.” Christophe Lebold - Author, The Man Who Saw Angels Fall.

“A fellow freezing-cold-lido regular, Michael Donald, has written and photographed a terrific book called GOAL! and made a film in which he interviewed and photographed every living footballer who had scored in a World Cup final. So of course Geoff Hurst and Martin Peters (who has sadly since died) are in there, as are globally recognised superstars like Pele, Brazilian Ronaldo and Zinedine Zidane.” Alastair Campbell - The New European.

“Michael and I have worked on a number of features together for the Guardian Weekend Magazine. These included being in some people’s personal space at very difficult times. When you are working with, for example, people in the latter stages of Alzheimers and their families or hunger strike survivors, it is paramount not only that these people are treated with sensitivity but also that you have complete faith in the person you are entering such an environment with. Michael was always appropriately sensitive, professional and produced some beautiful pictures for the magazine.” Melanie McFadyean - feature writer, The Guardian Weekend Magazine.

“We work regularly with Michael, and have done over many years, on Margins’ annual review. Margins is a grassroots homelessness project in Islington running a night shelter, drop-ins, small group support and a café based supported employment programme. Photographing in these fragile environments, with people whose lives are in real difficulty, who are vulnerable and often have complex needs requires high levels of sensitivity, an ability to connect and build trust - and an instinctive understanding of where the boundaries are. Michael brings all this and a subtle, warm enlivening presence. His approach is reflected in his photographs which have a deep humanity. We’re deeply grateful for the significant contribution Michael makes to communicating Margins’ work.” Rachel Krish - The Union Chapel.

“Michael has worked with Willow on a number charity projects over the past five years. In each case it has involved working with individuals living with life threatening illnesses and he has always been incredible sensitive to both their needs as well as the concerns of their families. He has consistently exceeded our expectations and can always been relied upon to tackle the most difficult of briefs. His images are impactful but have a warmth that perfectly encapsulates and sells our story.” Suzanne Brennan - Campaigns Director, Willow Foundation.

“This book is a joy to read. Phenomenal pictures and behind the scene conversations with the men who changed the lives of countries.” Diane Scavuzzo - Soccer Today.

“Donald’s project is about much more than football; it’s about the changing nature of sport in society and how fate, history and individual excellence combine to create heroes, willing or otherwise.” Rob Alderson - It’s Nice That.

“Donald is now exhibiting a selection of his stunning photographs in Mayfair at the suggestion of Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood, in co-operation with the designer of the original Stones tongue, John Pasche.” Brendan Anderson - BBC.

“Donald’s photographs of the now derelict ashram are at once haunting and beautiful.” Ashwani Sharma - Hindustan Times.

“Thanks for the pictures, Michael. I hate the one on the cover but I love the ones inside.” Julie Burchill - The Guardian Weekend Magazine.

“If they have all scored goals in the World Cup Final, why do they look so miserable?” Peter Taylor - Guardian Weekend Magazine, Letters Page.